
    Leading Weaving Machine Manufacturer Spearheading Textile Industry Transformation

    Belgium-based weaving machine manufacturer, Picanol, is fostering innovation and transforming the textile production industry with its latest offering.

    The company has reportedly collaborated with Inimco—a Process Automation Solutions company—to launch PicConnect. This is an innovative cloud platform built upon Inimco’s PA Facts industrial IoT accelerator technology. It has been designed to be the gateway to all of Picanol’s digital services. This strategic move is seen as a milestone toward enhancing the value and efficiency of textile production in a case study by Process Automation.

    The venture has been driven by the company’s effort to leverage machine data insights for optimal output, improved quality, and energy saving in textile industries.

    However, Picanol’s vision extended beyond internal research and development. Its target was to make data-driven machine insights readily available to its customers. In line with this commitment, PicConnect has been developed as a portal to connect Picanol and its clients seamlessly. The platform centralises a spectrum of digital tools, features, and services, ranging from spare parts catalogues to real-time alerts. Thus, customers can get a comprehensive support system at their fingertips along with a complete understanding of Picanol’s weaving machines. It focuses on helping Picanol customers improve operational efficiency and monitor and reduce energy consumption while maintaining fabric quality—key elements in advanced textile production.

    PicConnect’s capability to add additional machines in a few clicks reflects its high-end scalability and flexibility. According to the case study, this PA Facts-based platform developed by Inimco acts as a single point of contact, allowing Picanol customers to centre their focus on the core business aspects.

    Picanol and Inimco’s partnership has made them pioneers in using digital systems to enhance customer value. The case study anticipates that PicConnect will reinvent the fabric production landscape, providing customers with the tools and data-driven insights they need to optimise loom performance while driving sustainability.

    Picanol has a widespread global footprint, with headquarters in Ypres, Belgium. More than 2,600 weaving mills globally use Picanol machines currently, totalling over 175,000 operating units. The company specialises in devising, manufacturing, and selling weaving machines powered by air-jet or rapier technology. They also provide weaving machine deployment, commissioning, troubleshooting, after-sales support, and training services.

    Inimco is a leading Process Automation Solutions company known for its innovative PA Facts platform. It specialises in helping OEMs, machine builders, and manufacturing companies get actionable insights into their machine and productivity data for augmented operational efficiency. Leveraging IoT solutions built upon Microsoft, Inimco delivers data-driven services.

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